5 Mistakes That Make Your Blood Pressure Reading High

6 months ago
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These actions or mistakes may make your results inaccurate, that is your blood pressure may appear to be higher than it is. Avoiding these mistakes will save you from unnecessary panicking and medication changes. In this article, I'll like to enlighten you about mistakes you make that add points to your blood pressure reading according to WebMD

1. Not emptying your bladder; It is not advisable to do a blood pressure reading if your bladder is full as it will add 10 to 15 points to your blood pressure reading. You should try to ease yourself before getting a reading.

2. Poor support for feet or back; Before taking your blood pressure reading, you should make sure that _...KINĐLY CLICK HĒRE T0 RĒAD AND VİĒW THE FUŁL CONTĒNT N0W

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